Wednesday, November 11, 2009


arggghhhh!!tension kowt..
laptop wat hal again and again..
balik cuti tu laptop dah hantar service+format balik..
last day pakai pon still ok..suddenly..
ari ahad tgh bosan2 tu ingat nak bkk arr..
skali xleh bkk..
nak hantar kat cc...dia kata datang hari rabu sbb yg repairkan xada..
so ari ni aku pegilah bwk laptop aku ke koop yg mengambil perjalanan selama 5 minit berjalan kaki..
pnt gak sbnrnye..panas lak tu..
sampai je..abang tu kata..sorilah yg nak btlkan tu xada..hanta kat acer jelah..
sengal..!!!geram gle kowt!!!!!
skang ni laptop ni maknanya still kene bwk balik!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

going back to college!

its the last day to enjoying the holidays..
a new semester ahead..
start of a BUSY life..
huh..matrix totally taken my life.. 18 right now..
yeah..just 18 yesterday..
n thanks for those yg wish my birthday!!
n nani sms me "ko baru nak 18..aku plk dah nak 19..huhu.."
apa nak wat..ko lagi tua..haha!
aku rindu ko..napalah cuti kita xsama..

then smlm aku gi shopping with umi,and siti and ucu..
aku cari buku kan??besday gi cari buku for college..
im searching for biology for matriculation which published by mcgraw hill..
tp xjumpa..aritu jumpe bt xbwk duit..
skang satu Malaysia xde..grr..!

then my activity this holiday was watching movies..
hangout with friends..
here what i've finshed!

cool huh..!its made up of paper clay and coloured it with arcrylic paint..and some glitters and lastly it is covered by layers of 'lekar'..this is for my friends in KMNS!!love u guys so much!

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